🛑 URGENT 🛑 We have been informed that there is an INTERNATIONAL shortage of blood bottles!! 🩸 What we know: ✅ RUH have sent correspondence to say GP surgeries must STOP ALL NON URGENT blood tests with immediate effect
✅ We will still be able to take URGENT bloods on clinically unwell patients (including chemotherapy patients) 🛑 We have not been told when this issue will be rectified and they are preserving stocks for acutely unwell patients. The information below is all we have been told so far. If you have a blood test appointment booked it will be reviewed by a doctor or nurse and if it is not deemed as medically urgent you will be contacted to let you know it has been cancelled, this will be by text message where possible. Our clinicians are working hard to prioritise blood tests and we appreciate your patience and understanding whilst we put a system in place to manage this safely. We will continue to update you on the developments via our web page.